

Minimum age requirements

Boys and girls are eligible to join Troop 20 when they turn 11 years old or they have completed fifth grade. They do not need to have been Cub Scouts. Boys and girls that have been Cub Scouts generally enter after their Arrow of Light ceremony in the spring of the year – the timing of the event depends on the Pack.

Fifth-grade recruiting

The Troop plans formal recruiting activities for the spring of the year for boys and girls that are finishing fifth grade.  These include an open house and campouts where 5th graders are invited to participate.  From there, boys and girls fall into three groups – those that start a full-time association with the Troop in the spring, those that are busy with sports in the spring but come to summer camp and join in the fall, and those that start in the Fall.

The Troop’s open house is on March 13th.  5th graders are invited to the April and May campouts and many choose to attend.  These warmer-weather campouts are perfect for scouts that are learning how to camp!

We have integration activities scheduled for scouts no matter when or how they join.  We do suggest that scouts attend summer camp their first year – it gives them the chance to complete some requirements (helpful for advancement) and also bond with the scouts in the Troop.  Summer camp generally takes place in late July – the dates are listed in the Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan page.

Older Scouts and transfers

We welcome late starters and transfers any time that they are interested in attending.  Please see here for meeting times and locations. Contact us for more information. 


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